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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Techman's World turns 2: Second birthday of Techman's World

Birthday cake Source: Flickr
...and you guys thought I was going to forget. Despite how busy I can be and sometimes neglect posting to this website, I still care about it very much.

Today, everyone, marks the second year of existence the entity known as Techman's World.

Over this year, I have done lots of things. One of the most significant things I did this year. One of the most notable things I did this year is review the System76 Lemur Ultra (before it was discontinued?). I also did review Bitdefender Internet Security 2013 and discuss various other topics on the site. Those two posts were just the highlights -- you can scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and access archive links for any month in the span of time that this website has existed.

The future
One of the most important things I talk about in posts like this is the future of the website. I will continue to operate my site indefinitely, despite how busy I can be at times. I started this website for a reason and I'm not going to close it just because I get busy or topics get boring.

RE: the ad discussion from last year, I have so far decided not to place ads on the website despite how much benefit they can offer me (such as paying server bills for the chat network). If I do however decide to place ads one day, the same standards will still apply. I will most likely place relevant text ads only, as banner ads have been known to sometimes be flash embeds and I loathe that.

I'll of course still try to get press relations established with multiple companies, but for now I can honestly say that my efforts are not doing me any better then doing nothing at all. Sad, but the truth. Would I have loved to review the Nexus 5? Heck yeah! Did I? No.

Techman's World IRC
The other major thing that happened this year was the launch of Techman's World IRC, my "subdivision" of Techman's World that handles real time communications.

I launched Techman's World IRC back in July 2013. If I am not mistaken, I launched Techman's World IRC publicly on July 23, 2013 into public beta. Currently the network is stable and ready for production use -- and this is where you, the viewers, can help out a little (if you wish).

I have spent the past few months also working on getting up server compacity to handle a considerate amount of users. Now that server compacity is out of the picture (for the time being), I need to work on getting users. Only problem with that is most established communities don't want to be introduced to IRC (Internet Relay Chat), or if they are already on IRC they are content where they stay and do not wish to move over to my network.

If you want to bring your community to the network, let me know and I can work something out with you. As always, you can find me on the network by clicking the "Live Chat" button at the top of the page and picking a nickname and connecting. Just to answer a user's question, yes, your IP address is cloaked on the network. Only essential people can see it, such as me.

If you want, you can stop by in the live chat and celebrate with me and the rest of the community.