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Thursday, May 30, 2013

[Announcement] Site maintenance on post labels, and more maintenance to come

Just wanted to announce that I'll be doing some maintenance on post labels in the coming days. I'm not sure if anyone has noticed but for a while I've had duplicate labels for basically the same thing, for quite a few topics. Here's an example: I put "PS" on posts when I already had a "PlayStation" label.

While doing this, there could be quirks with the labeling system. You might see labels on posts that have nothing to do with the topic that the label describes. Blogger's rather scratchy label management system causes a few posts that I didn't even select to get labels removed or applied to them, for whatever reason. While it's a bug that I'm going to report, I wanted to give a heads up ahead of time for folks that might run across some quirks in the process.

In the meantime, I'll also remove "meaningless" labels from the labeling system as well. This should clear up some space and move me a little bit back from Blogger's label limit (which I am nowhere for the time being).

I'll also do some more site maintenance in the next coming days, to other parts of the site. I might remove the alternative share buttons, due to the fact that I see little usage of them according to analytic. If you do use them, and prefer them to say, I suggest you speak up.

The reload comments link will also be moved, probably placed somewhere below a post or in the Disqus community widget. I'll keep the reloader because I find it useful at times where I just feel like refreshing a page. I also use the reload link for debugging purposes.