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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Have you seen cancel-help?

A few weeks ago a user named Joel Houston sent me a form submission talking about his website. I looked at it and then said that I was going to write a post about it, after checking it out. A few weeks passed and I almost forgot...but he sent me a warm reminder and I'm writing the post now after checking out this site again.

Note, that this isn't a sponsored post. This is actually a user created website.

Joel's site is What he did is create a website that offers a one-stop place to learn about how to cancel a variety accounts from different categories  for example you can even learn how to cancel gym memberships. He also has info on how to cancel email services, phone services, cable/internet services, and more. In regards to email, he even shows you how to cancel parent accounts as well, instead of just canceling the email parts of it.

To go ahead and test out his site, I looked up a few tutorials he gives and I have found them to be quite accurate. He even shows how to cancel a Facebook account, despite Facebook trying to pull you back. He's adding more content to the site, so if you want a tutorial on how to cancel something drop a comment below if you like.