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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Connecting Blogger to Google+

Starting today, I have decided to upgrade connect my Blogger account to Google+. This is carrying many improvements for Techman's World, and is making SEO easier, as well as just "human" SEO better.

Google+ is that social network on Google. It is along the lines of Twitter and Facebook, though I would say that it is closer to Facebook because you can actually speak and create posts similar to Facebook.

The main reason why I am connecting Blogger to Google+ is because of the new SEO benefits that it brings. I'll explain some of this below.

<a rel="author">
When you make a post in Blogger, you get an author name added to that post. When you click it, it usually takes you to your author profile in Blogger. It looks like Have you ever noticed that you can see an author's image alongside posts in  some search listings? Well that is because they have 1) a Google+ profile linked in the <a rel="author" tag, and 2) They have linked that site in their contributions.

When you connect Blogger to Google+, you replace your Blogger profile with your Google+ one. The link also changes to your Google+ one. This makes it establish a link to your Google+, and soon your results should contain your author photo. 

It improves "human" SEO because if they can see a picture, they will under most cases look into those results more.

Sharing to Google+ from Blogger
If you use Google+, you can basically share and view notifications from almost any Google service. Connecting Blogger to Google+ allows you to share and view notifications from anywhere. For example, below I can share something to Google+ from the post editor, while composing this very post.
As stated before, you can view your notifications. I blurred out people's names and their avatar photos to protect their identities, as I didn't ask for their permission.
There are also other benefits that I either forgot about or have yet to discover.

There is one downside that I can see from connecting Blogger to Google+. When you connect Blogger to Google+, your Blogger profile will be replaced. You can get your old profile back if you revert before 30 days. If the choice to revert is after 30 days, then you'll have to create another profile. It is not that much of an issue, but that is all I know that stands out even the slightest bit.

Hope you all enjoy the change, and do so for yourselves if you choose to.