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Friday, September 28, 2012

Welcome to....Techman's World with its own domain!

It has been a long time in the making (or at least it felt like forever for me), but Techman's World now has its own domain name. If you are visiting the old site with your bookmarks, you should be automatically redirected.

At the time of this post, there might be some problems with accessing the site, but this is normal while DNS servers around the net update themselves.

If you have not already seen, the new URL of this site is now If you try, then it should automatically redirect with the www. attached to the beginning of it. Again, you might run into issues while this process is going on.

As for comments, Disqus is in the process of migrating threads to a new domain. I would not advise commenting until me myself posts one.

I am very proud of myself, and all of you for being excellent community members. Thank you for sticking with me though this wonderful journey.


Michael -- AKA Techman