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Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Old Blogger Interface is gone, old users are now forced to use the new interface

It has been about two days now. Two days of what? Well if you were a user of the old Blogger interface, you might have started up your Blogger dashboard the other day to discover that you were in the new interface, and you was not in your got-used-to old interface. You might have been trying to click the settings gear to go back to the old, but that option in the drop down is also not there. Trying to follow old bookmarked links now redirect the new interface.

Yes, it is true. Everyone is now on the new Blogger interface. Some of you might have never used it, and now you are stuck in knowing what to do. Google made a video back when the interface was first created, and I'm going to embed that video below.

I personally have been using the new Blogger interface for a few months now, about a week or two after they first launched it, because the first two times I tried it I got lost and jumped back to the old interface immediately. After those two times, I was ok.

If you use Gmail or another Google service, the new interface should not be that much of a shock to you, as the interface is pretty basic across all Google services. I pretty much use Google for Blogger, but I also have a Gmail due to my Android phone. I have that forward to my Outlook account.
You may also want to check out Blogger Help's YouTube Channel, so you can see additional info that may help you.