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Friday, August 3, 2012

Guest Post - Rediscovering Disqus

Well what do ya know, Techman's World has its first guest post. Mr. Paramendra sent this in, his original post is below.

Rediscovering Disqus
by Paramendra Bhagat (

Rediscovering Disqus has been a pleasant experience for me. I had it.
Then I walked out on it by default when I changed my blog's template.
Now I have it again, and I am so glad I do.

Blogging is my favorite online activity. Makes for an active reader.
And it is more than knowledge. You meet and get to know interesting
people. The comments sections at blogs were an afterthought before
Disqus came along.

And the new and improved Disqus beats the big dogs like Google and
Facebook in the blog comments space. Both of them are innovative
companies doing a lot but Disqus still beats them in the space. It is
because Disqus' intensity of focus. Disqus does one thing and
one thing alone, and it does it very, very well.

Just like a ton of people who you could never convince to blog became
happily active on Twitter, Disqus provides an outlet to people. You
don't have to blog to comment. Commenting is legit. You don't lose
track of your comments.

Like my new friend Michael Hazell, I met him through Disqus. Today he
replied to a comment I had left at Fred Wilson's blog a few days back.
It felt like randomly bumping into a friend.

Adding Disqus To My Blog Was The Easiest Thing
Should I Get Disqus For My Blog?

And there you have it, that was our first guest post. Pretty soon I'll be setting up some rules if you want to guest post, so I'll make an announcement when I'm ready. I guess this is also a good sign that I made the right choice as choosing Disqus to be Techman's World's comment system.