In the video below, this guy shows you how to unlock a few cheats and other items.
Here is what the cheats unlock:
- 3arc Unlock - unlocks DOA and Five map and gametype for zombies
- 3arc intel - finds all the intel in campaign
- Alicia - your personal therapist
- Zork- text based game ( the grue will eat you)
- Dir- lists text and pictures
- Cat- used to look at pictures and text ( include the endings etc. .txt, .pic)
- help - lists some other commands
- Decode - used to crack the code given in some text documents
- Encode- encodes text
- "login" then whenit says user put "jhudson" than for pass put "bryant1950" then you get gamer picture
Now I know that this is from someone else, but I'll working on getting the codes out of the video as well. I'll write them down while I enter them into my own PS3 :).
Let me know of your feedback below.